This script monogram has been floating around Pinterest for a while, and I have been dying to make it an addition to my home. I was worried that Marc might think it was too girly, but after I received his approval, I went ahead and ordered one!
The box it arrived in was big, but much lighter than I thought it would be - I realized why when I opened it. The wood is extremely light weight and therefore very fragile. I was actually really nervous pulling the monogram out of the box!
They could not have made this project easier for me. All I needed to do was prime, sand, and paint...
"Misty Morn" by Behr - it's a soft greyish blue and I LOVE. |
I also thought I'd take the chance to show off our new bedding that I'm obsessed with =) |
Now to add some canvas prints in that empty space by the window. It's screaming for wedding photos! |
Side note: I love these little "quick win" crafty projects - they give you a boost to keep on keeping on, which is something I desperately need sometimes. Maybe it's just me, but I'm one of those people who hits a snag in a project, decides to take a break and tackle it another day, and then it's weeks later and I still haven't picked it back up. This was quick and easy to complete and now I have motivation to take on a few more tasks.
On to more projects! Stay crafty, my friends.