As I mentioned a few weeks ago (okay...maybe it was a few months), some recent events in the Felice Family have caused us to push up our puppy purchase. We were always planning to make a furry addition to the family, but we weren't planning on it until summer 2011 (or Q2/Q3 2011 as some people like to refer to it *hehe).
So here you have it - meet the latest addition to the Felice Family...Little Polly Felice:
Hey Guys!! |
These pictures are from early December when we got her, and she's weighing in at about 20 lb's.
Such a proud mama =) |
Ahhh so freaking cute!!! |
Marc's trying to coax Polly down the stairs - she was not having it! |
"How do I get to this treat without falling off this deathly cliff???" |
Awkward sleeping in her bed with her nose against the fireplace. We think she did this because she was teething and the cold wood felt good against her mouth...either that or she's just weird =) |
"I'm chewing my rope toy...what of it?!" |
Currently, she's about 6 months old, weighing in at a whopping 31 lb's (based on her vet appointment from this past Thursday). Here are some shots from after Christmas and New Years...
I love how her little legs are tucked up! |
Polly's first snow! |
She loved the snow in Denver and HATED the snow in Winter Park. Probably because it was 37 degrees in Denver versus -4 in WP =) |
"What is all this white stuff and what happened to my yard?!" |
Action shot of her jumping - weee! |
She loved it - seriously =) |
We're pretty sure she's a German Shephard mix...possibly some Doberman and Rottweiler in there too. She definitely displays some Doberman instincts (she stalks squirrels...stalking is a unique characteristic of the Dobie breed), but if you ask me, she looks 100% German Shephard.
Either way - she has totally stolen our hearts and we love her, no matter what breed she is =)
We got her from a rescue organization called
PupSavers. I am now obsessed with this organization - they go to shelters in Colorado, New Mexico and Kansas and collect the puppies in high kill shelters. Really, a fantastic organization and I'm very proud to be a supporter.
Polly joined our family after their adoption event at PetCo on December 4th and I can't believe we've had her for only a month! There was a minor amount of controversy with the adoption process (basically, another family adopted her while we were still being interviewed, then they changed their mind later that day...their loss is our gain!), but overall, I was incredibly impressed with how smoothly the whole thing went.
As for her history, we know Polly came from Kansas, but we really don't know much else about her, other than she's super sweet and we love her =) The vet thinks she's now about 6 months old since she's lost all her puppy teeth. She already knows some tricks, is almost totally house trained (we're working through her happy bladder issue right now) and is completely crate trained. And have I mentioned she's cute and we love her?
Obviously, I have a ton more pictures, but these are the basics. Check out the book for more =)
Hope you have a great weekend!! Time to take Polly to the park =)
she is SO cute! I thought she was a purebred German Shepherd before you said anything.