Monday, May 14, 2012

Ramblings from the Hubs

As we're watching the Nuggets / Lakers game on Sunday:
  • Announcer:  Aaaand Kobe Bryant get's a high-five from Justin Timberlake!
  • Marc:  I wonder if Justin Timberlake has courtside season tickets to the Lakers...
  • Nicole:  I'm sure he doesn't.  They probably belong to an agent and he just used them...
  • Marc:  No.  He really likes basketball.  I'll bet they're his.
  • Announcer:  Yeeees there's Justin sitting courtside with Jessica Beil!
  • Nicole:  Oooh yeah.  Because they're dating.
  • Marc:  Uh. No Nicole.  They're engaged.
  • Nicole:  WTH????  When did that happen?!?  How did you know that?
  • Marc:  Um...yeah I'm pretty sure everyone knows that.
  • Nicole:  #*&^#%$*!!!
As we're watching "He's Just Not That Into You" on Sunday:
  •  Watching the scene where Jennifer Anniston see's Ben Affleck doing dishes at her dad's house.
  • Nicole:  Oooh they're so sweet.  I think Ben and Jennifer should get together in real life.
  • Marc:  Seriously, Nicole?  Ben Affleck is married to Jennifer Garner.
  • Nicole:  What?!?  When did that happen?!?
  • Marc:  Duh!  A while ago...they have 2 kids.  I actually think they just had another.
  • Nicole: ...who are you?!?  
I admit, I don't follow the tabloids, but seriously?  How does he know all this stuff and I don't?!  I feel like a terrible wife.

Did you know Justin and Jessica were engaged?


  1. Dude....I laughed so hard. Yes I knew they were engaged and that Ben and Jen have 3 kids now. I can't believe you didn't know that. Haha! That seriously just made my night. So funny.

    How your hubby knows that and you don't, I don't know. You should just check Yahoo or E! :)

  2. I didn't know either of those things! Don't feel bad! Really though, where does he know that from!!?? I don't think Joey knows things like that...

  3. The JT thing is recent so no biggie, but really Jen and Ben - you didn't know? they have 3 kids and have been married for like 8 years. that is too funny. Way to go Marc!


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