Friday, September 7, 2012


Just FYI, work is killing me.

A huge project I'm working on is coming to completion next week and I seriously can't wait for it to be over.

I have developed an insanely severe eye-twitch...on my UPPER eye-lid, which is weird.  Have you ever had that?  I've had my lower eye-lid twitch, but never my upper lid.  It's more annoying since whenever it twitches, my vision is impaired...and it twitches for about 5 seconds every 5-7 minutes.  NO JOKE!

Also, I have a grey hair.  I have never had a grey hair, and this one is right on the top of my head.  Sad.

Ugh - I can't wait for this to be over. 

Have I mentioned that we also just bought a new house and we're in the process of moving?  Oh, I have?  A million times?  Shut up about it already?  Alrighty =)

Pinot Grigio, I hear your call!


  1. I had the upper eye twitch. Most annoying thing ever. Have you tried putting a warm washcloth on your eye? Maybe that could help.

    Oh and I have a head of grey hair. It gets worse and worse. I have to color it every 6 weeks. It sucks. Atleast you just found could have a head full of grey hairs.

    I can't wait to see pictures of your new house! That is so exciting!

  2. I had that eye twitch problem when I was drinking too much caffeine. apparently crystal light packs are equal to a coke in mg of caffeine. maybe you are drinking more coffee these days?

  3. I had that eye twitch problem when I was drinking too much caffeine. apparently crystal light packs are equal to a coke in mg of caffeine. maybe you are drinking more coffee these days?


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