For anyone who was curious, I wanted to provide a follow-up on the aftermath of my little
mishap from earlier in the week.
To give you an idea of the impact...
At least this person was nice about it... |
Some people were really funny and some were really stupid:
All the "reply to all" messages telling people not to "reply to all" is where it got out of hand... |
I mean, can you not smile at this? Thanks for the humor, folks... |
Not to mention all the phone calls I received. You wouldn't believe the number of strangers who felt the need to call me personally to ask if they received the email in error (uh…DUH…yes it was in
error), or that I should respond to all and say it was an accident (uh…no…I’m
not adding to the “reply to all” craziness), or that I should never send an
email again (I got some cyber-bullying but just deleted it), or that I should
submit a support ticket and apologize to everyone (some people were just
mean). I ended up disconnecting my phone!
And in case you were curious to see the email that started it all from me...
...I was just trying to do my job. Sheesh.
Anyway...Happy Thursday. Hope your week is going better than mine. I have successfully crashed the servers to a Fortune 15 company and have deleted over 15k emails from inbox, and counting (oh yes...still getting emails about this)... happens here at least once a year. Everyone's inbox will get flooded with "reply alls" ...laugh about it because it is pretty comical! Hee hee!