Sunday, September 9, 2012


...our new home!!
This will be a super quick post, but I have provided a link to the photo library down below, in case you're interested in seeing more pictures of our new starter home =)
We have already started moving over carloads of stuff, and the movers officially come at the end of September.

Until then, we will have lots of work to do to get the house move-in ready!  Here's the list of tasks we have lined up so far:
  • Carpet cleaners
      • I used ZeroRez and they did an amazing job!
  • Painting - we have a LOT of painting that needs to be done!
      • Our guy is not only incredibly nice, but he's also going to be our milkman, too!  He works the Royal Crest truck for our street, how funny =)
  • Chimney inspection
      • We love the fireplaces and need to see what our options are regarding wood burning or gas inserts
  • Locksmith
      • Got alllll the locks changed =)
  • Tree service
      • We have a TON of trees on the new property and they need quite a bit of work
  • Cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning
      • Need I say more?
And the list continues.  But, we have already made a ton of progress and we're just so excited to get in to our new home and get settled.
There will be many more updates as we make progress...I am so excited to see what the place looks like with a fresh coat of paint.  It will be a huge change!

If you're interested in seeing more pictures, click on the slideshow below  or check out this link to the photo library - Enjoy!


  1. YAH! It looks so cute! I love it and cant wait to see the progress and the finished look.

  2. Wow! It is huge! I can't wait to see it all redone! Congrats!


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