Saturday, March 5, 2011

Real quick - two things...

These are totally unrelated, but I've got two things for ya.

First of all, everyone...and I seriously mean everyone at my office is pregnant.  Or just had a baby.  And being surrounded by all these mommies who can't wait to take maternity leave and get back to work have seriously been causing me a lot of anxiety.  I'm not sure why, but I get super duper emotional every time I get another pregnancy announcement at work.  I don't even like some of these people!!!

I've also been getting super emotional every time I talk to, text, email, etc. my girfriends back home who have just had babies.  The worst is when I see/hear about daddy/daughter time.  Oh goodness...

...turns out I can't even type about daddy/daughter time without getting emotional.  Sheesh.

I know we're not ready to start expanding our family just yet, but my goodness...if I know we're not there yet and I'm already this much of a wreck at the topic of babies, then I can't imagine what an emotional mess I'm going to be when the time is right!

Oh - and Marc's brother/sister-in-law are pregnant.  With twins.  Did I mention that?  They actually find out the sex this week, and Marc and I are totally on pins and needles about it.  I'm CON-VINCED they're having 2 boys.  Marc is AB-SOLUTELY certain they're having 2 girls.  We'll see =)

The other thing, that is totally unrelated, is how incredibly thankful I am for my own little family - including our newest member, Polly.  We had a little "incident" the other night where Polly's ferocious barking at 1am ultimately lead to the arrest of a felon.  I actually called 911 this time when I went to door to investigate and saw a man "working" on our neighbors Acura TSX in the driveway.  Turns out he was trying to steal the tires and some other stuff.

Polly to the rescue =)  If she hadn't been barking and growling up a storm, I would have never known and our neighbors would have been very sad when they went to leave for work the next morning.

Obviously, there's more to the story and we all  know how I can rant for hours, so I'll save you the details and just have you know that our Polly purchase back in December is more worth it every single day.  If you're hoping to get a pup (or a cat or a fish or a hamster or anything) in the future to make your days a little brighter, do it.  We have never regretted getting a puppy for a second and now that she's a local hero, our neighbors are thankful we did too =)

So there it is.  My super random "two things."  Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!


  1. I had the same thing this time last year, everyone I know was having a baby or announcing their pregnancy. I had to tell myself that it was ok that we're not ready for kids yet.

  2. I am so glad you are ok! hooray for polly!

  3. Once you get to hang out with your TWO nieces/nephews you will get your baby fix :) (can I put bets on one of each...just cause??) I'm glad you're feeling better! And I think it's good to be emotional about starting a family! You don't make decisions lightly, therefore you make the right ones :) Love you!!


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